Train to Kandy from Colombo


Colombo to Kandy.

Colombo to Kandy train ride is popular among the tourists as well as locals.

Why Colombo to Kandy train ride is special for special for locals?


Well, About 70 % of locals in Sri Lanka are Buddhists. The most important Buddhist temple for the therawada Buddhists in the world, the temple of the most sacred tooth relic is situated in Kandy. So a lot of Buddhists from other areas of Sri Lanka regularly visit this temple. Some visit annually or biannually. Some visit once in every five years and some occasionally. The pilgrims, who go to that temple from Colombo and southern Sri Lanka, mostly use the train to go there.

The sacred tooth relic temple in Kandy has an annual festival based on “Esala poya” (A full moon day on in July or in August). It is called “ Esala Mangallya” (Feast of Esala). The famous and eye catching event on Esala Mangallya is the perahara or the procession. This perahara includes many of local dances, cultural events and costumed elephants.

During the Esala Mangallya season a lot of locals go to visit Kandy (At the final day of Esala Mangallya a special train goes to Kandy from Colombo and it returns after the final perahara ). And some tourists also come to Sri Lanka targeting to watch the procession (the perahara) of Esala Mangallya.

On the other hand a lot of locals like the scenic landscape and the soft weather (22 – 27 Celsius) around Kandy. During the school vacations people from Colombo and southern Sri Lanka go to visit Kandy as two day or three day trips. It’s nice weather, neither so cold nor hot, inviting the people inviting the people to visit there. Students never forget to visit Peradeniya botanical gardens and campus. Peradeniya campus garden is also very beautiful as the botanical gardens. And Peradeniya campus has the best architectural design among the educational institutes in Sri Lanka.

For trekking also there are many places in Kandy. In the city limits “Udawatta Kele sanctuary is there. Hanthana mountain range also close to Kandy city.


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